that's right! i dont need an alarm clock to wake me up anymore.. as soon as my bro wakes up, he'll just slammed the door, just to change his clothes.. fml=(
early in the morning and it has been raining cats and dogs already, so much for falling back to sleep! temptations dohhh.. my comfy bed and the cooling weather!! ahhh..
BUT i still have to get my ass outta the house and go to uni as i am a good girl (hell yea)
being soaked with rain water (carrying an umbrella in a rain it's like carrying a bottle water which contains no water, get it?) gosh!
monday blues to the MAXXXX!!~~~
i happened to bump into one of my foundation frens in the uni bus. and he asked me bout, was i with my bf, whether are we still together or not.
to his utter surprise, he found out that we are still together. giving me this shocking look of his --> @.@
and i was like 'why? why are you so shocked? you got problem is it for us being together?' *giggles*
and he told me that he couldnt go through long distance relationship at all!
and that's why he broke up with my fren.. (that's sad, cause they look so cute together)
so here it is..
being in a relationship is hard, and it's even harder when it comes to long distance relationship! why don we just of it as a challenge. there's a certain advantage to being miles away from your loved ones. couples who got the advantage of meeting up with one another frequently somewhat fail to count their blessings after some time. but in my case, i have every reason to defy distance, to keep the connection alive, and to look forward to seeing each other like it’s the most important thing in the world!
most of my frens (sadly to say) thinks that i couldnt make it through this LDR. making predictions that it'll only last a few months. but somewhat, ive prove them wrong!
Thanks to the internet, keeping in touch with him abroad is not as expensive as other modes of communication in the past (although he calls me, most of the time). exchange e-mails, chat and call each other. send flying kisses via webcams or flood each other’s social networking site with sweet nothings!
long distance relationships may sound unusual and challenging, but it’s not impossible! if you want to keep the relationship, then no one or nothing should persuade you to do otherwise – not your family and friends, and most especially not the distance.
distance should not be the basis to end a relationship. distance should be defied and considered as a test to make the bond stronger.
i survive it on a daily basis. And so can you (for those who are doubting)
ps. to my baby,
i love you! heart you all the way from msia!