playing with gor gor's new lappie! wootz!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
i hurt myself today
to see if i still feel
i focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the nails tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember, everything
the cut is just too deep.
it couldnt be healed.
day and night, i cried.
my heart just wouldnt stop bleeding.
what have I become
my sweetest memory
is now my greatest nightmare
full of broken thoughts
i cannot repair
if i could start again
a million miles away
i would keep myself
i would find a way
to see if i still feel
i focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the nails tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember, everything
the cut is just too deep.
it couldnt be healed.
day and night, i cried.
my heart just wouldnt stop bleeding.
what have I become
my sweetest memory
is now my greatest nightmare
full of broken thoughts
i cannot repair
if i could start again
a million miles away
i would keep myself
i would find a way
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
my 2 sweet angels =)
though sometimes life is in a dark tunnel, there's always light at the end.
yes! im pretty down lately.
but my frens are ALWAYS there for me,
to make me HAPPY!
yes! im not allowed to shed tears!
jian always makes stupid jokes to make me HAPPY!
yp always worried bout me and make an effort to go out with me!

errr... im yellow??? of all colours, yellow?? *scratch yp*

shehulk! DAYUM.. she's hawt!! *winks*

the AWESOME avatar-ians!! WOOTZ...

check out his lips!!! rofl

she loves my pits.. rofl!

i iz love you guys! muacks!!
yes! im pretty down lately.
but my frens are ALWAYS there for me,
to make me HAPPY!
yes! im not allowed to shed tears!
jian always makes stupid jokes to make me HAPPY!
yp always worried bout me and make an effort to go out with me!

errr... im yellow??? of all colours, yellow?? *scratch yp*

shehulk! DAYUM.. she's hawt!! *winks*

the AWESOME avatar-ians!! WOOTZ...

check out his lips!!! rofl

she loves my pits.. rofl!

i iz love you guys! muacks!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011!
this month aint treating me good at all=(
im so sick.
and what i meant by sick= fever, sore throat, cough, flu, nausea, headache!
im craving for ice kacang, cendol and my starbucks coffee=(
the medicine that i got aint working as well, all they did is just to make me drowsy..
well.. thanks a lot.
i think i have enough rest already.
NOW! i want back my life!!!....
btw, just had my law exam today.
the question is sorta unexpectedly unexpected --> @.@
(i don dare to say that's easy but it's not difficult either)
arghhhh... hopefully i do well lar... *fingers crossed*
next up, STATS!
wish me luck, folks!
till then,
im so sick.
and what i meant by sick= fever, sore throat, cough, flu, nausea, headache!
im craving for ice kacang, cendol and my starbucks coffee=(
the medicine that i got aint working as well, all they did is just to make me drowsy..
well.. thanks a lot.
i think i have enough rest already.
NOW! i want back my life!!!....
btw, just had my law exam today.
the question is sorta unexpectedly unexpected --> @.@
(i don dare to say that's easy but it's not difficult either)
arghhhh... hopefully i do well lar... *fingers crossed*
next up, STATS!
wish me luck, folks!
till then,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
when i was young
I WANNA BE FAMOUS, I WANNA BE A STAR... cut the crap.. who doesnt want that? jeeeezzzz....
and NO.. im not here to talk how bad i wanna be famous.. im here to talk bout my childhood.
i think i was only 6 went i was admitted to the hospital due to my REALLY REALLY bad cough. i vomitted every single time when i coughed! that's how bad it was.
so i was taken to PANTAI HOSPITAL and i stayed at the children's ward for weeks.
only a parent get to stay together with their child.
my mum stayed with me.
call me weird. but i like hospitals! i have no idea why=(
maybe it's because everytime i visited the pediatrician, he would give me sweets, SUGUS sweet to the exact! ahahahahah..
a girl like me loves to play masak-masak a lot! so the nurse would bring in meals during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
i would wake up VERY early in the morning just to ensure that the nurse brings in the meal which is the usual milo and porridge (i think).
yes! i don need an alarm clock or my mum to wake me up.
the milo comes together with a small cup that contains condensed milk.
i would normally put pepper in mum's porridge (act as if im cooking) and put condensed milk into the milo cause i was amazed by how the 'white sticky water' can make the milo sweeter. (at that time i didnt know it was called condensed milk xp)
the farney part is that, i don drink the milo after that.
i would wake my mum up just to make sure that she drinks the milo.
and my mum would make milk for me in the morning for breakfast.
cause im very choosy as a child (actually till now im still choosy xD)
i don like porridge and i don like milo. conclusion is, i don like hot food!
after making my mum's breakfast, i would pull my chair which is situated beside my bed and put it right in front of the tv, just to watch cartoons.
one day, there's 2 nurses who came and talked to me. i didnt bother them and i just nodded my head when they asked me something, not knowing what was the question as i wanted them to get out of my sight FAST!! come one lar.. im watching tv, don disturb ma=(
then they sorta carried me away from the tv. i screamt! why?
1. i couldnt watch my cartoon.
2. mummy wasnt with me.
3. thought they were kidnapping me.
4. i hate nurses!
5. for fun! (no la, jk only xp)
and then the nurses put me in a room which is filled with nurses and only one doctor.
they put me on the sick bed and the doctor injected me with some liquid with a really really really gigantic syringe @.@
i kicked the nurses to hard that i left shoe prints on their uniforms.. ahahahaha!!
i scared dohhhh=( they also bodoh bodoh sikit
cause i left many shoe prints on their uniforms then only will they take off my shoes.. rofl!!!!
i was actually given a Intravenous therapy or IV therapy which is the giving of substances directly into a vein.

just giving a clear example of what IV theraphy are for. the situation is the same except the humans are asian! xD
you see, the drippings of the liquid can actually be adjusted.
i see the nurses kept adjusting it, and so i was curious with it. i started adjusting it by myself.
until one day, my dad caught me playing with it that he scolded me saying
'don simply play with this, only the doctors and nurses can touch this, understand?'
i nodded my head and merajuk and i headed back to bed=(
weeks later, i was feeling better and i was discharged from the hospital.
no more masak-masak to play, no more cartoons to watch( daddy wouldnt let me watch cartoons whole day), and no more nurses to kick T.T
and NO.. im not here to talk how bad i wanna be famous.. im here to talk bout my childhood.
i think i was only 6 went i was admitted to the hospital due to my REALLY REALLY bad cough. i vomitted every single time when i coughed! that's how bad it was.
so i was taken to PANTAI HOSPITAL and i stayed at the children's ward for weeks.
only a parent get to stay together with their child.
my mum stayed with me.
call me weird. but i like hospitals! i have no idea why=(
maybe it's because everytime i visited the pediatrician, he would give me sweets, SUGUS sweet to the exact! ahahahahah..
a girl like me loves to play masak-masak a lot! so the nurse would bring in meals during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
i would wake up VERY early in the morning just to ensure that the nurse brings in the meal which is the usual milo and porridge (i think).
yes! i don need an alarm clock or my mum to wake me up.
the milo comes together with a small cup that contains condensed milk.
i would normally put pepper in mum's porridge (act as if im cooking) and put condensed milk into the milo cause i was amazed by how the 'white sticky water' can make the milo sweeter. (at that time i didnt know it was called condensed milk xp)
the farney part is that, i don drink the milo after that.
i would wake my mum up just to make sure that she drinks the milo.
and my mum would make milk for me in the morning for breakfast.
cause im very choosy as a child (actually till now im still choosy xD)
i don like porridge and i don like milo. conclusion is, i don like hot food!
after making my mum's breakfast, i would pull my chair which is situated beside my bed and put it right in front of the tv, just to watch cartoons.
one day, there's 2 nurses who came and talked to me. i didnt bother them and i just nodded my head when they asked me something, not knowing what was the question as i wanted them to get out of my sight FAST!! come one lar.. im watching tv, don disturb ma=(
then they sorta carried me away from the tv. i screamt! why?
1. i couldnt watch my cartoon.
2. mummy wasnt with me.
3. thought they were kidnapping me.
4. i hate nurses!
5. for fun! (no la, jk only xp)
and then the nurses put me in a room which is filled with nurses and only one doctor.
they put me on the sick bed and the doctor injected me with some liquid with a really really really gigantic syringe @.@
i kicked the nurses to hard that i left shoe prints on their uniforms.. ahahahaha!!
i scared dohhhh=( they also bodoh bodoh sikit
cause i left many shoe prints on their uniforms then only will they take off my shoes.. rofl!!!!
i was actually given a Intravenous therapy or IV therapy which is the giving of substances directly into a vein.

just giving a clear example of what IV theraphy are for. the situation is the same except the humans are asian! xD
you see, the drippings of the liquid can actually be adjusted.
i see the nurses kept adjusting it, and so i was curious with it. i started adjusting it by myself.
until one day, my dad caught me playing with it that he scolded me saying
'don simply play with this, only the doctors and nurses can touch this, understand?'
i nodded my head and merajuk and i headed back to bed=(
weeks later, i was feeling better and i was discharged from the hospital.
no more masak-masak to play, no more cartoons to watch( daddy wouldnt let me watch cartoons whole day), and no more nurses to kick T.T
Friday, July 1, 2011
au revoir, darling=(

our brinjal gang consist of 5 darlings.
xinni went to nz bout few months ago.
jen went to usa few weeks back, just for some work thingy. gonna come back during sept, i guess.
and now. kat! she's in melbourne now.. studying in RMIT! just left yday.. i tell you, i've been so emo cause she's leaving. and not the fact that she's leaving only.. but all my other frens as well. i damn emo dowh.. cried for like don know how many days.. yesh kat! i cried for a few days.. dayum weii.. you should be touched! T.T
there's this time i told li ying that kat's leaving soon, i teared up.
when she left for the airport, yp called me, i told her that kat's left for the airport, i burst into tears again!!! and pity yp, she thought something bad happened=(
then when kat is in the plane, she sent me a goodbye text. i wanted to cry again.. ohmygod!! i hate goodbyes!!
this are the few pics that i had with my gang.. when we are all still together going for outing and gossiping (my fav)


we love steamboat! steamboat fanatic dowhhh..

picnic!! at tasik perdana.
just before i show you any pics of me, steph and kat. (we did a lil farewell outing for her)
i just wanna say something.
you're one of my oldest fren that ive keep in touch so far. (i know i make you sound old) and im glad that we've known each other for a really really long time.
from the time we said 'i don fren you, you don fren me' which is really childish and the time when we can even crap things out like GOSSIPING (which we all love it), i treasure every single moment with you. although you'll be in aussie for just one and a half year ( i cant believe im tearing so soon, yesh!! im literally tearing now) but i miss you already=( the fact that i miss your laughters and your random jokes and your craziness when it comes to sales and your complaining bout how obvious your 'abnormal' rib cage are... i will totally miss you loads!!! now now!!!
life in aussie will be a chance for you to change, to be the new you! BUT DON BE BITCHY.. i'll slap you till you think straight! (i mean it! *winks*) just be the better you! new life, new you, new bf, new frens, new dudes, new bras (which you bought at la senza, finally you can wear them) AHAHAHAHA!
all in all, im gonna miss you sooo much!!! like DAMN MUCH!!! (fuck, im crying) im gonna stop here... take care fren.. muacks!!!
and i shall say my fav line for one last time 'DIUUUUU' rofl!!!

and yesh.. she loves shopping!!! a shopaholic.. but i love her for that.. know why?? cause she knows where got sales and stuff.. ahahaha!

kiss kiss...

look at my sad face, kat.. pls don go=(

come to think of it,i still have steph with me!!! source of all gossips!!! ahahaha!

before she left for the airport.
i spent time with her eating ban mee and helping her pack (sorta)
giving her one last hug and kiss.. and there she goes T.T

see you in 1.5 year, kat! have fun, study smart and i love you!
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