Monday, March 12, 2012

question mark?

we're in deep shit.. OR maybe.. im in deep shit.
going through such a rough patch right now.
yet i still don know what i want.
i know for a long term it's the best for us to just
we are just so different.
we both want different things.
i will never understand you and you'll never understand mine.
but for now, i can never let you go.
if you're gonna call me, even if you want me back. even if you don. 
im not sure that's what i wanna hear. 
so confused! 
if you really ask me what i want, im sorry, but i wont be able to give you an answer.

ps. dafuq? i don even understand myself! but all i know now is im trying to move on. WITH MY FRIENDS, I KNOW I CAN! =)

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