i have seen a lot gurls in my life saying that they are not beautiful, too fat, too ugly. seriously? you gurls should stop degrading yourself. stop being so harsh on yourself, cause i don see a point feeding yourself with so many negative comments. there's no point. have you gurls been reading too much magazine that you think those pp who are in the are seriously perfect? do you? obviously the model from the magazines are all airbrushed or retouched. their so called smooth skin, high cheeked bones, perfect waist line and the list goes on are all FAKED! so why compare yourself with silly magazines covers? MEDIA DISTORT BEAUTY! my babes, time to wake up.. no point trying to compare yourself cause no matter how hard you try. you'll never be like the model on VOGUE magazine. you'll always be you. so try to live the best for YOU AND ONLY YOU!
some pp actually told me that they are not beautiful enough. if you say so. what is beautiful to you? can it be measured from a scale? can it be seen? no. this what makes beauty so speacial. cause it cant be seen but it can only be felt in your tiny lil heart<3 so pp, YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL! well, unless you have something evil inside of you=( then you're ugly!
when pp feed you with negative comments. just hear them. but don put it in your brain. cause those nasty lil words are no good but SCRAP AND SHITS! when they put you down, you stand tall and tell yourself, 'i'll prove you wrong!'. if they say you're ugly, then what on earth makes them think that they are beautiful? cause pp with ugly comments have a ugly heart which own by ugly pp! so don waste your time worrying bout what they say. and this is also when you look yourself in the mirror, telling yourself that YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! yes! you go gurl.. do it! ahahahaha=)
gosh, one of the things that i dislike most about is that gurls start comparing bout sizes. like, 'omg, im too fat!' 'omg, my thighs are huge!' 'omg, my face is so round!' and the list will never end. oh well. i guess we humans arent satisfied with what we got. haiz. here's a solution, if you think you're fat, then do something bout it. workout! but never ever skip meals! NEVER!
last time, i used to be like this, i was at the deepest emo-est stage EVER, i picked every single bad things that i see in me BUT NEVER THE GOOD ONES. one thing i hate most bout my body, is my legs. cause they are muscular or could say BIG. i envied almost every girl in school cause they have such nice legs. well. at least. nicer than mine. i hated it so badly! years pass by and i begin to accept ME! which ever part of me that i didnt like, i begin to accept it. yes! there are times that i still feel a lil insecure but at least im trying not to=)
so whenever i feel insecure, i don just sit and complain and sob about it. i do my exercise so that i'll feel good bout myself again. i don workout for the sake of getting slim BUT i workout for the sake of being healthy and feeling good bout myself. so to all pp out there, you live your life, NOT others. cause till the very end, your body is your temple. so why don you try living your life without regrets and with no complains. live your life to the fullest.
love love
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