well.. today is one special day as it is the youth community, as in the youth will be the one in charge of the main service and this event only happen ONCE A YEAR.. so tell me.. how could i ever miss this special occasion.. *wink wink*
ahahhaa.. one thing.. they dressed in black and so formal. *it makes me feel so young cause i dressed casual.. teeehee* so this are their jobs..
*matthew yong-preacher
*goh poh aun-scripture reader
*joanne phoon-praise leader
*daniel phoon-liturgist
*jocelyn ong-pianist
*grace chan-sound technician
*joshua ong-LCD
*natalie moey-Video
*darren phoon-greeter/usher
*hor wai kit-greeter/usher
*shaun yong-greeter/usher
*joyce hoong-greeter/usher
*ME-victim of getting bullied for the day!! great==!
seriously, im glad i came back to church.. i realized how much i miss them and their craziness.. teehee..
starting of the main service=)*it looks like there's no one there cause most of the pp are sitting at the back.. ahahahaha*
president give thanks for the food... *daniel, add more nutrients into the food yea.. ahahahaha*
mcD for lunch.. weee~~~
cindel and daniel <3
joshua with his tongue out... blek
joshua, matthew, and cindel.. EATINGGGGGG
the YOUTH did some bookmarks.. pretty nice!!!
will be looking forward for the next meeting.. teehee=)
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